Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time-Warp Wednesday

This weekend is exciting!  And not because we are in the midst of the final countdown to VBS or because we are driving to Denver or because we are leaving behind Norah with family for her home gymnastic meet.

This weekend is exciting because one of my college roommates is getting married!!  Yahoo!

So for today's Time-Warp Wednesday, I thought we would take a quick trip back to our college days ... when we were young, care-free, and wearing each other's clothes!

Our little blue house with the crazy seed-pod tree.  Our little blue house with the awesome rec room.  Our little blue house that I repeatedly locked myself out of.

Four friends sharing rooms, chores, food and responsibilities to "feed the cat".  Four friends who learned how to be friends ... and were pretty good at it!  Four friends on tight-budgets who still made time for dinner at Roma's (mmmm .... the "Nutty Idea"), filling each other's Christmas stockings (oh look ... it's an ... orange?), trips to Denver to go dancing ("We'll help you with your paper ... promise!") and celebrating birthdays!

One of my favorite roommate memories is captured in these photos.

Well ... not this moment exactly, but the evening in it's entirety.

Turning 20.  Eating Chinese.  Coming home to a surprise Murder Mystery Party ... with all my favorite people (including my hubby-to-be).

Laughing.  A lot.

Here's to many more years of laughter, Krystal ... with your sweet hubby!


  1. what fun memories.. with many more to come, i'm sure! :) have fun at the wedding!

  2. Thanks Morgan, for stopping by Mel Dreams Often! I'm a new follower, too.

  3. I loved that night - and the entire time I lived with you and our other roomies!
    Funny story - I have a picture from that night on my fridge. A high school girl asked me about it and I replied, "Oh we were just goofing around." Her response - "Oh thank goodness you didn't actually dress like that!"
    Oh but we did, honey...and we thought we looked GOOD!!

    Can't wait to see you Saturday!!

  4. You are ageless! You look the same as you did back in college days =) That along with your awesome blog deserves a BLOGGER AWARD

  5. I had a murder mystery birthday party sometime when I was in high school. I remember they were a trend for a short while.

    You all look like you had fun! :)


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