A ten-minute challenge to write about the cost of loving Jesus. Here goes!
Is the end of another full day. Full of kids. Full of laundry. Full of dishes. Full of food. Full of training. Full of playing. Full of going and doing and being.
Like many moms, I often get to the end of my day and think, "That was a doozy. But what actually happened? What did I get done?" And often my response is, "Huh. Not as much as I thought, but still a ton, considering the circumstances!"
I may have abundant loads of whites and darks, a sink full of never-ending sticky dishes and an eternal job of raising my brood, but I seem to be very, very short on one important commodity.
Limited hours and minutes to my day has forced me to be very intentional about how I use my time: waking up in the dark for me to exercise, coordinating my trips up and downstairs to stay efficient, preparing meals ahead of time and steering clear of the computer if I need extra time (nothing like getting sucked into Facebook to drain a precious hour!).
So what happens when I find myself with a few minutes to spare? What do I do when I discover nap-time and my-time intersect? I want to plop down and read. I want to challenge somebody on DrawSomething. I want to veg-out. Or I want to knock out a chore or two without any "helpers."
But I hear Jesus wooing me to sit with Him, to stop and spend some time reading my Bible and praying. This time with Jesus cuts into my free time and I want to resist, but my heart needs it. And so I sit and I read and I pray ...
And Jesus is faithful to make my time worth it. He makes these moments valuable ... and my time doesn't seem so costly then.
I am in tears as I read what you wrote. So beautifully put! You are such an amazing writer and I love your spin on the prompt!! Yes, "He makes these moments valuable." I so experienced that this morning and I am so grateful! Love ya sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteJesus time so precious and yet so hard to get yourself to sit and take that time. What a lovely message in amongst the biz of the day. A lovely reminder that it is so worth the time to take with Jesus. Thank you.
ReplyDeletePrecious time with Jesus yet so hard to sit and take that time. Thank you for this lovely reminder that it is always worth taking the time with Jesus just to be in his presence.
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm an empty-nester and I STILL have a hard time settling down long enough to connect with Jesus. It's a daily struggle, but oh so worth it.