Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vacation Snapshot #5

Fourth of July Camping

The tents were up.
The air mattresses were inflated.
PJ's were on and teeth were brushed.
The excitement over the glow-sticks had begun to fade.
The full moon was creeping over the horizon.
The mommies and daddies were feeling sleepy.

And the kids were still going strong!

Finally we shepherd each child to bed.
Boys over here and girls over there.
We zipped up sleeping bags and fluffed pillows.
We found little nooks for the glow sticks that still glowed
... comforting camping night-lights.
We closed up tent windows and doors.
We blew kisses to tired (but perky) campers.
We adults congregated on the patio.
We waited for the tussling and bustling to subside.

And the kids all got the giggles!

What is it about camping that brings out the wild things?
Loud voices sound louder.
Quiet voices still echo.
Sleeping bags swish and swoosh.
Zippers zig and zag.  Loudly.
Laughter erupts with nothing to dampen it.
Shhhushing resonates through the nylon tents.
In vain.

And the kids are running on empty!

Slowly, the explosions of giggles dissipate.
The whispers begin to fade away.
The mommies and daddies check in on the kids.
Settle campers back on mattresses and pillows.
Zip up sleeping bags one last time.
Do we dare head to bed ourselves?
No more potty breaks?
No more requests for a sip of water?
Sleeping out of doors.
Summer-time fun.

And the kids get to giggling again ... at ten after six!

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