Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time-Warp Wednesday

Welcome to another Time-Warp Wednesday! 
A little trip down memory lane ...

This is one of my very most favorite-est pictures of my sweet Aaron-Boy back from when he was a mere two day's old!

I don't know about you, but those first days of mommy-hood-ness are a complete mumble jumble.  Not only did I feel like I had been beaten with a baseball bat, but I also felt completely inadequate.  And that was a surprise.  I had read a lot of parenting books when I was pregnant ... but apparently nothing really prepares you to be a mom except being one.

I remember there was a lot I needed to figure out:
  • How to latch that little hungry fella on,
  • How to get him off without him leaving a mark,
  • How to swaddle him tightly enough to keep his little hands from smacking himself in the face,
  • How to clean his little bottom from that black tar stuff,
  • How to quiet this small screaming stranger who was a complete and utter mystery to me,
  • How to get out of bed and go potty by myself without hobbling,
  • How to get back into bed without a stool,
  • How to keep track of meals and diapers and more meals and more diapers.
  • How to be a speedier diaperer so that he cried less.
  • And so much more!
I vividly remember we three getting into the car with little Aaron in the backseat and thinking, "Wow!  Here we go!  We're a family!" and "WHAT?!?  How could they send me home with this little person ... I don't have a clue!!"

And that's why this little snapshot is so precious to me.  We had just snuggled him into his little bassinet in our home and he told me ...

"It's all going to be A-Okay, Mom."

And it was!

We learned right alongside each other.  I learned how to enjoy nursing and he learned how to fill his belly.  I learned how to change his diaper more quickly and he learned that diaper changes weren't the end of the world.  I learned his little signals for when he was tired, hungry or over-done and he learned that a nice, dark, quiet room was bliss.  Brett learned how to swaddle (I was never as good as Daddy) and Aaron eventually learned that his hands could be his friends.

And almost 9 years later ... we're continuing to learn - side-by-side!

I love you, buddy!

A few other sweet memories from this snapshot:

  • His pointed little head from HOURS of labor.
  • His frog blanket from the Nadels ... we still have it.
  • His bassinet that my siblings and I slept in ... thanks, Nana!
  • His red fuzzy hair ... still red, just more of it!


  1. What a sweet picture and wonderful memories! I felt the same way when we brought Toot home. lol

  2. I do not remember ever seeing that pic of Aaron-- so funny! And I know you needed the encouragement! God sends us the encouragement when we need it most, doesn't He?


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