Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snapshots of a Wedding, part 2

Another memorable aspect of the wedding weekend was the diversity of people involved in the celebration, all with ties to the happy couple.  We joked throughout the weekend about the intimacy of having dinner with 40 of your closest friends and family!

The melting pot of friends and family was an astonishing mix ...

guests from back east and guests from the northwest,

guests living in town and guests flying across the Atlantic,

friends with Boston accents and friends speaking only Spanish,

close-knit childhood friends and friends not seen since childhood, and

old family friends and new-found friends.

With this hodge-podge of friends and families comes a treasure trove of stories to tell.   And backstories to share.  And explanations to those stories.  And footnotes to their anecdotes.  And laughter.  Lots of laughter.

It was marvel the way that, in spite of the age differences, the differing family histories, the extent of familiarity among guests and even language barriers, that stories could be told, appreciated and enjoyed by everyone present.

And we made even more stories this weekend.  Stories that will be told, appreciated and enjoyed again and again.  That is the beautiful way that God weaves families and friends together so that when we return back east or to the northwest or across the Atlantic or just back across the state, we're still knit together.

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