Monday, October 25, 2010

What Ya Think?

I have added a few tools that might be helpful for you, too.

I have a new "Search" button on the upper right side of the blog.  If you have a post that you would like to read again (recipes and such), simply type in a subject word (i.e. zucchini, laundry, parenting) and up will pop any posts relating to that topic.  Nifty, heh?

I have also listed to the left of the post a list of the "Labels" that I have given my individual posts.  This way you can find posts that are related to each other.  Just click on a topic and you will be zoomed to the posts that relate.  So cool!

Finally, I have added an email to my profile that goes to my Snapshots email ... just another way that you can share with me.  So if you have crafty ideas or recipes that you would like share ... you can do that here.  That should also clean up our family email a little bit.  :)'

Thanks, again, for reading ... and coming back for more! :)

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