I shove another
Bacardi box into the growing stack; a veritable castle wall stands guard in our garage. Stepping back I brush my bangs back from my sweaty forehead, leaving a grey smudge above my left eyebrow. My hands are covered with newsprint from a dozen different headlines as I wrap and roll our life into careful little bundles and nestle them into vodka boxes and whiskey cartons.
Returning to the living room I find my kids sprawled on the floor, the excitement of packing having waned in the recent days.
"How much more packing do we need to do?" my eldest moans.
"Just a few more boxes, Buddy, then we can take a break and do something fun. We're getting closer with every box we pack."
A chorus of half-hearted "yeahs" fills the nearly empty house.
"Come on, kiddos, let's band together and tackle the laundry room. Then we can call it a day."
Their four bodies remain motionless.
"Maybe we could watch a show in a bit."
A few shoulders shrug.
"While we eat some cake and ice cream?"
Suddenly my weary packers are energized. I set an empty box on top of the dryer and we start filling it with hats, sunscreen, bug-spray and a random shoe.
"Mom? You do know it's only ten o'clock, right?"
Linking up with Write at the Merge this week - 222 words inspired by the picture above. Personally, I opted for some red wine, but I waited until a bit later. And a generous "thank you" to all the area liquor stores for their contribution to our moving supplies!

Linking up with Trifecta - inspired by the word: Bind
3: to gather together : unite <banded themselves together for protection>