small things #39 ... quiet afternoons
We are one week into summer break and it's kinda loud and rowdy around here.
And that's quite an adjustment.
I am used to one o'clock rolling around and helping my little ones trundle off for nap time. We read a couple of books while snuggled on the couch and then I deposit my three little people with their loveys in their comfy beds. And then I clock out for a bit.
With a glass of sweet tea at hand I enjoy an hour of me-time, quiet-time, hush-time, no-loud-talking-or-yelling-time. I have a chance to recharge for the afternoon, read my Bible devotion and write a bit. When my babies begin to stir, I've had some peaceful time to myself and I'm ready to jump into the afternoon.
That hasn't been happening as much as I'd like lately. Nope ... not really at all.
It's not just that the big kids are home, it's that they are home (sometimes with friends) and the little people want to be up and playing with them. All. Day. Long. Nap? Who needs a nap?!
I have done my best to be firm with our schedule and routine, but it's just not quite the same as when they aren't here. Even with our mandatory reading and writing hour, they still talk and walk around a lot more than sleeping kids do! I guess that's kind of a no-brainer ... but it's still requiring a shift in my attitude.
Rather than grumbling my way through my summer afternoons in the midst of repeated, "Mom, do you want to read what I just wrote" requests, "Shriek, Squeal! Oops - we woke the baby" episodes and "How much longer until I can get up?" appeals, I know that I need to let go a bit of my quiet expectations and embrace this time with me kids.
But I'm still going to miss the quiet.
Quiet afternoons ... delightful me-time during the school year but so very elusive come summer-time!
#5 - What about school do you miss the most? What do you mean you all won't sit silently with a book for the next two hours?!?!